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Why An All-Girls' School?

At Sacred Heart, GIRLS are always at center stage. Every student leader, athlete, artist, innovator, speaker and/or community advocate is a girl.

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All Girls Schools are more relevant today than ever before. At Sacred Heart,  our students describe their experience at an all-girls' school as demanding, exciting, and life-changing. Their voices are heard and their accomplishments are numerous, which means they don't need to fight for attention or for opportunities to lead.

Our girls are encouraged to focus on developing the very best in themselves, while pursuing challenging coursework. Students in the classrooms of all girls schools confidently voice their opinions, ask thought-provoking questions, and embrace new learning experiences and opportunities. Here are some statistics from the Fordham Urban Law Journal and the International Coalition of Girls Schools:

  • Nearly 75% of girls attending girls' schools say that the experience taught them that women can accomplish anything; girls' school graduates demonstrate more self-confidence and ambition
  • 83% of girls' school graduates perceive themselves to be better prepared for college than female counterparts from coeducational high school
  • 91% of graduates say that attending a girls' school helped them focus on academics and encouraged them to test their intellectual limits
  • 13% of girls' school graduates major in math, science, and technology while only 2% of girls who attend coed schools major in this those fields
  • Nearly 80% of graduates play competitive sports and a majority play at least 2 to 3 sports
  • 90% belong to a community organization such as a charitable, civic, or educational group or arts association
  • 80% of girls from girls' schools hold leadership positions after high school
That's why we're a proud member of the ICGS (INTERNational Coalition of Girls' Schools).

The Girls' School Advantage

Girls' school by the numbers

by the numbers flyer

Who are girls' school graduates?

who are girls school graduates

Where girls learn best

where girls learn best flyer

“Girls’ schools are places where girls take center stage. Girls occupy every seat in student government, every spot on the math team, and every position in the robotics club. In fact, every aspect of a girls’ school – from the classroom to the athletic field to the academic program – is designed for girls. By subtracting boys, an all-girls education adds opportunities for girls… there’s nothing that can stand in their way. That’s the incredibly important message girls’ schools send to girls each and every day. We believe that message, embedded in the nature of girls’ schools, provides powerful, relevant advantages and creates the best environments for girls to learn, grow, and develop. At their heart, girls’ schools are places of leadership. Places where community and collaboration, agency and self-efficacy flourish. But most of all, girls’ schools are places of incredible innovation.”

Source: International Coalition for Girls School