Mobile Triggers

ASH/Ochsner Blood Drive

Give blood. GIVE life.

THURSDAY, February 6, 2025
New Time: 7am-4pm

NIms fine arts center

schedule your appointment >
Please schedule your appointment to prevent overcrowding
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All donors will receive a Shelby Leonhard memorial t-shirt, a Blood Bank t-shirt, mini-physical and cholesterol test.

1. Eat a healthy meal before donating.
2. Drink LOTS of water before and after donating.
3. Bring PHOTO ID.

The Shelby Leonhard Memorial Story: Ochsner Blood Drive

Want to volunteer?
Let's Talk.

Jana Fogleman, Partnerships & Community Outreach Coordinator
Email >


Diane Branting, Chair
Email >

Odette Ieyoub, Chair 
Email >


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