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Sacred Heart Celebrates the Feast of Mater
Mater's Feast

On October 18, the Sacred Heart community celebrated the Feast of Mater, in a long-standing tradition of our global Sacred Heart network. 

"Mater Admirabilis," which translates to "Mother Most Admirable," is the title of a painted representation of Our Lady as a young girl.  

Each year, the senior class selects a classmate who exhibits the qualities of Mater to portray her in a tableau during the traditional all-school liturgy. This year, the Class of 2020 chose Elizabeth King for this honor, describing her qualities of being humble, kind, selfless, respectful and friendly to all.

In the Call to Worship, Middle School Division Head Laurie Friedrichs told the student body, “Each one of you has these qualities to share, and it is up to you to unwrap them in your time here at the Rosary and then bring them with you as you leave here. So take the adventure as Mary did and find your path, whatever it may be and one day you too will change the world and spread this spirit to those around you, just as Mary did.”

View pictures from the Mater Mass>> 

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