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Freshman Interpret Jesus in Art through Interdisciplinary Class Project
Libby Talbot
libby talbot with art

By Libby Talbot, Class of 2023 

As a student of the Academy of the Sacred Heart, my faith is continuously strengthened and incorporated into the work I do in school. My freshman class, for example, was assigned a religion project that required us to research artists and interpret the way they understood Jesus. We later created our own artwork in the style of our chosen artist. We basically tied library skills, theology and art all into one piece. Projects such as these teach youth that Jesus can be found everywhere in our lives. 

According to one of my peers, Sofia Rodriguez,“It is simple to view art and say how you like it.
However, it is another to dig deeper into the true meanings behind the painting.” 
When practicing our faith, it is important for children and teenagers to find their own understanding of Jesus Christ, because they can feel closer and become more open with God.

"As an American, I’ve never viewed Jesus from Asian perspectives, only European,” states
Kailey Hall, another classmate. Mallory Medo says, “I learned that Jesus cannot be defined.”
“Jesus… is whatever we see him as or depict him as,” quotes Coco McLeod.

According to Religion teacher Wil Tyrrell, “The freshman project was interdisciplinary in nature: incorporating Theology (by studying how Jesus is depicted), Art (an appreciation of art and art history) and Library skills (proper research and citation of sources) so that the girls can appreciate and experience our academic disciplines as integrated studies.

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